Zkittlez Auto is Indica dominant and offers a well balanced cerebral and relaxing body stone.
Zkittlez Auto takes 65 to 70 days from seed to harvest. An average height for indoor growing is between 80cm and 100cm with an expected yield of 500 gr m2, but 100 gr per plant is expected when growing outdoor. Zkittlez Auto produces large buds of green with hints of purple and is a good producer of THC laden resin.
Zkittlez Auto retains the tropical fruit taste and aroma from the photoperiod version and offers a complex blend of sweet and sour flavours. Autoflower lovers can now match their photoperiod counterparts and are invited to "Taste the strain bro!".
THC Very High (20% or +)
Lineage (Grandaddy Purple x Grapefruit) x Ruderalis
Photoperiod Autoflowering
Harvest Time From Seed (days) 65-70
Flavor Lemon, Sweet
Effects Relaxed